Previously, I had created these 2 tutorials about some Blogger and Typepad differences, pros and cons, however, I realized they need some updating. So, I just wanted to share some additional findings with you, and will shorty update the other 2 tutorials as well.

The original links to information about Blogger vs. Typepad from my blog.

  1. As of Feb 2010, Blogger now has "Pages!" See my new article on this.
  2. You can use domain mapping in Blogger (just different from the way Typepad does it). I have done this with Blogger and domains registered with Go Daddy.

  3. You can use as a way to store PDFs or other files you want to share with your customers or downline, since Blogger doesn’t have a traditional file manager.

  4. You can use Picasa Web Albums, free, again owned by Google, for maintaining a gallery for all your artwork.

  5. Although there is not a password protect, you can project your blogs by choosing your “readers” to your blog. For example, if you had a blog just for your downline, then you would “invite” your downline to read and have access to read/view your blog.  They would then get an email that would allow them access to it. So, although it is different from Typepad’s password protect feature, it can be done differently.

  6. The Feature this Post of Typepad is not used by many (which keeps a selected post at the top), however, this can be done in Blogger differently (see my – my Stampin’ Blog) where you see the post about the Sale-a-bration will remain at the top, as the 1st post, always, until I decide to change it (lol), like when the new Occasions Mini comes out in April.

  7. Having several blogs in one account. When you sign up for Blogger you create a blog.  However, under the same account (username and password), you can create more blogs. They will be separate, but still under your one Blogger account (username and password)

Anyway, basically I have figured out work-a-rounds for Blogger to act more like Typepad.

One of the biggest differences is that Blogger is free. 

Typepad starts with a basic package for $4.95 a month – it allows you to select from a template gallery. No customization available. Domain mapping not available.

Then it goes to a Plus account for $8.95 month which then allows a custom banner to be used and custom color scheme/theme builder, and up to 3 blogs in one account (meaning you don’t pay for 3 blogs, but you can use up to 3 blogs. Many demonstrators use 2 – one for their main blog, one for their downline. Domain Mapping available at this level.

Then it goes to the Pro account for $14.95 which then allows for a custom background as well as customer banner and theme builder and you can have unlimited blogs in your account.  For example, I have this level because I create several test blogs for testing purposes, and I wanted the custom background as well.  It comes with other perks too but you probably wouldn’t use them (such as Advanced Templates).

So, if you look at my Blogger blog, www.handstampedbyheahter, it is free – has a custom banner, background, color scheme, has 3 columns, navigation bar, a post that sits at the top and so on.

Then I designed my Typepad blog, for my business and designed it to look like my Blogger blog on purpose, but this one costs $14.95.  This is because I wanted to install the custom background and needed to have Advanced Templates to do the navigation bar (however, Typepad now has it's own Navigation Bar feature with the Plus and Pro packages and it's wonderful).

Hopefully I haven’t overwhelmed ya (lol).

I really have no problem using either platform, I like them both, use them both!  It really comes down to what your technical abilities are, what your financial situation is (what you can afford), and what you will be using your blog for.  Again, I recommend them both.

Happy blogging!

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