This was an article written in my December 2008 Newsletter.  So…if you haven't done so already, sign up for my Blogs By Heather newsletter.  Subscribers always get articles and tips that do not appear on my blog until much, much later!

Anyway, I recently received an email about how to do this "adding simple navigation" for Blogger but wanted to share a tip for Typepad as well.

Tweaking the Navigation Bar feature

The "Everything Typepad" version has a new built-in feature called the Nav Bar. 
An example:
It can be found under the DESIGN tab, then CONTENT.  Then towards the middle you will see Nav Bar.
But a check mark next to it to "activate" it and then click the Pencil icon to "edit" it. 
It has some default options for you to work (such as Home, Subscribe, Archives).  You can tweak these or replace these as I have done a few examples below.

This is the code for 3 items on the Navigation bar, paired Title and URL. This code was tweaked and modified so the links open in a new internet window.
<a href="" target=_blank>HOME</a>

<a href="" target=_blank>EVENTS</a>


<a href="" target=_blank>PROMOTIONS</a>


Then click Save. This saves the Nav Bar changes.
Then you also have to click SAVE to the Content design area.
Now you can go to your blog and refresh (CTRL+F5 if using a PC) and your new navigation bar is there!

The navigation bar links will take the color of your Links setting under General Settings, and the background color of the navigation bar is that of the sidebars.
Here is another link for learning more about the Everything Typepad version:

The NEW Typepad

As of this month, July 2009, Typepad is releasing the New Typepad for selected bloggers.  It has a new administration look and feel. I'm sure eventually all blogs will be converted.

Preview it here:

Happy blogging!

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