Unlike Blogger, to create the dropdown lists in Typepad is more difficult (but of course doable). There are two ways to go about this:

1) using a Notes Typelist and
manually entering the values;

2) using Advanced Templates and
copying/pasting code one time.

Using a Notes Typelist

Create a Notes Typelist and copy and
paste this code and you will get the drop down boxes you see listed in one of
my test blogs: http://heatherporto.typepad.com/testing2


<select onchange='location=this.value;'>
<option value=http://heatherporto.typepad.com/testing2>Select By

<select onchange='location=this.value;'>
<option value=http://heatherporto.typepad.com/testing2>Select By



 You would have to continue
each list enter new values respectively for each month/year and for each
Converting to Advanced Templates 

One way to accomplish this functionality is to switch and convert to Advanced
Templates. However, this choice should be not be one that you just jump to
since it does change the way you maintain your blog and does require the $14.95
Pro Level package (now called Unlimited) in Typepad.
This is the code you will have to put inside one of your Sidebar Modules (a Notes Typelist):
First, find this line of code:

<!–#include virtual="/lists/tph_subscribe/module.inc"–>

And replace with:

<div class="module-content">
<ul class="module-list">
<select style="width:150px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 5px; font-family:
verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" onChange="document.location=options[selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="">archives by month</option>
<MTArchiveList archive_type="Monthly">
<select style="width:150px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 5px; font-family:
verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;"
<option value="">archives by category</option>
<MTArchiveList archive_type="Category">
<option value="<$MTArchiveLink$>"><$MTArchiveTitle$>

To view a sample, see another one of
my developmental blogs (testing area):

Best wishes,

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