This was included in a recent post about the Blogger to Typepad Transfer, however, it may have gotten lost in that post and I wanted to feature it here as many customer have asked me this through the years about transferring subscribers.  This may happen if you are transferring blogs or changing your blog's name. And although in some cases you still may have to export and import (if using other subscription services), in Feedburner it's a little easier. 

Transferring Your Subscribers (Feed Subscribers)

This is included in the cost of the Blog Design and Sidebars cost and can be done by editing the Feed Address in Feedburner (if you use Feedburn).

  • Login to Feedburner
  • Click on your Feed
  • Click on Edit Feed Details at the top under your Feed Title
  • Then in the 2nd text box/line under Original Feed
  • Replace what is there (your Blogger feed URL or original URL) and replace it with the new, Typepad Feed URL: http://<your blog name><your weblog name>/atom.xml is a traditional feed address.  For example,
  • I have used this method for a few customers now and it's worked!!!

Blogging should be fun, let me help you!

Heather Wright-Porto

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