Recently I contacted Typepad support as I recently have been getting inundated with a bunch of spam in my comments.  It was getting so bad that I had to go into my account several times a day to delete them or mark them as spam. 

So I contacted Typepad support to see what they are doing about the spam-related comments getting through the filters and that regardless of how many times I delete them or mark them as spam that I would keep getting more and more.

They said they are always working on improving spam filtering but I could use the Block List to help. Or I could use comment moderation (although I'd still have to go through them) or force people to sign in, etc.

So, to use the Block List go to

  • Comments tab
  • on the left click on Block List
  • Then in the Word or IP text box, begin typing one word (Phrase) to block.
  • For me for example it was "Air Max" or "Coach Outlet".
  • Then click on Add Block and continue.

I will let you know how it goes!!!

Heather Wright-Porto

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