At some point during your blogging experience or growth, you may consider changing blog platforms, moving to say Blogger to WordPress or Blogger to Typepad and vice versa. The question is what happens to your current blog subscribers? Do they get "lost" and you have to start over?
Question/Comment: Hi Heather, I am considering changing blogging platforms. Will i lose my subscribers?
If you are using FeedBurner, which I setup for my blog customers as part of their Blog Setup, then you can edit your feed details therefore keeping your subscribers updated even if you "move" your blog (to another platform).
- Login to Feedburner,
- Click on your Feed title.
- Click on Edit Feed Details at the top under your Feed Title
- Then in the 2nd text box/line, Original Feed
- Replace what is there replace the original feed with your new feed URL.
Example – Blogger to Typepad move. Replace the Blogger feed URL (original URL) with the new, Typepad Feed URL: http://<your blog name><your blog name>/atom.xml (conventional TypePad feed address). For example,
Example – Blogger to WordPress move. Replace the original feed shown (for your Blogger blog) in the Original Feed field with your new WordPress feed URL (typically <your blog address with the .com>/atom.xml). Such as this one I used in my Creative Blogging book,
- Save Changes and you're done.
- Make sure you have the Feedburner subscription gadget on your new blog 😀
I have used this method for a few customers now and it's worked beautifully for all of them. If you are using anything other than Feedburner, you need to consult their help site to see how to edit the feed URL.
Happy blogging!
Onto the next question….thanks for following me and asking your questions 😀
Heather Wright-Porto