Let's face it, we all need to "clean up" and reorganize our blogs from time to time. And in doing so you will become more productive and improve your site's functionality and ease of use at the same time! This is not a bad thing, it is a good thing.

Become more focused and neat ===>
more productive and successful.

I am going through these house cleaning tips myself, so you will see some restructuring of my site over the next month..just a heads up 😀


What is your most profitable service? Or What are your hottest topics?

Focus on those services that are most profitable or most popular amongst your customers and followers, and weed out those that are not, are too time consuming. Not that you can't offer them if someone asks, but don't promote them. Find those that are desired, most popular and profitable.

If you don't offer services but instead write on a bunch of topics, find those that are most popular. Listen to your customers and followers…what are they asking? Those are the ones your customers want and want to learn more about. That's where your time and effort should be directed to keep your popularity and continue to draw their interest.


Choose one or two services that you rock! Where you are superior in that field or service. Promote those services heavily.  

If writing about topics, offer expert advice or your personal experience or expertise on what you know best. Your readers will appreciate that and come to you as their "go to" person on that topic(s).


Let's do some more house cleaning here. Clean up your sidebars and remove ads that are no long relevant, those promotions that have expired or are not profitable. 

Clean up your categories. Combine similar categories. Yes, this may mean that you need to go through some of your posts and assign a new category to them…but try cleaning up your list and make less categories.  If it is essential you have a long list, then create drop-down boxes for them. This will help users find what they need quickly.

Further clean up your sidebars by creating pages and using a dropdown navigation bar (menu bar).  I am in the process of doing this myself 😀


In following these three blog cleansing, house cleaning tips you should be more driven to work, more focused, more productive, and hopefully therefore more successful.  Here's to a bright and successful 2012! Cheers! Get ready now…it will be here before you know it!

Heather 😀
Reorganize and clean up your blog, if not now, make it a New Year's resolution! 


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