I've been receiving a few emails regarding recent Blogger issues. So I went searching for some answer for you and found this great site, Known Blogger Issues. So if you are a Blogger user, make sure to bookmark that site!
Another GREAT site to bookmark in finding info on Blogger issues is this group/forum, Google Groups – Blogger.
Unmigrated Legacy Accounts Message
The most recent problem is dated Friday, April 17th and about the "unmigrated legacy Google accounts" you may have. This has to do with a blog you haven't touched (logged into) since 2007!
Click here to read more about this issue (which may be a non-issue really) and other known blogger issues.
Trouble Posting
If you are having trouble posting, you ar probably using Internet Explorer 9.0. From the browser go to Tools -> Compatibility View and you should then be ok.
Scheduling Posts Not Posting Issue
This is a very current and big issue. I don't yet see a resolution to it. Here's a link to a ton of posts reporting the problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
My Blog is Completely Different
You are probably now looking at the New Blogger Interface.
- Here is my tutorial on the new look.
- Here is how to go back to the Old Blogger look.
- Here is a video about the new blogger dashboard.
Happy to keep you updated,
Heather 😀