Thumbtack-purpleI'm excited to share this new series with you, called "101 Blogging Tips". In the series there will be 101 quick, short and sweet blogging tips that you can begin applying to your blog right away!

Tip #26: Enter Your Blog Title & Blog Description

This is different from META tags (Keywords and Description) which we will discuss soon. This is your blog Title/Name and Description for your blog and may be used to display in search engine results.  The Title is typically the name of your blog. The Description is composed of many sentences describing your site or services. Include as many keywords in your description as possible (and it making sense).

In TypePad

  • Go to Settings tab, then Basics and enter a Blog Name and Blog Description. 

In Blogger

  • Go to Settings, then Basic and enter Title and Description.

In WordPress

  • Go to Settings, then General, and enter a Site Name and Tag Line (other may say Descirption).

P.S. Remember to then save changes 😀

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