Hi there!
Here are some buttons I created for the new Online Extravaganza!
Yes, there's a long one! LOL. But it's only for one day, so it's OK to take up your sidebar space for the special 24-hour promo (I hope). LOL.
For those part of my Blogs By Heather Blog Maintenance program, your sidebars are already updated!
Here is the code for the 20-50% OFF:
US Demonstrators
<a href="http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/CategoryPage.aspx?categoryid=1196">
<img src="http://i493.photobucket.com/albums/rr300/blogsbyheather/SUPromo2-2.gif">
CAN Demonstrators
<a href="http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/CategoryPage.aspx?categoryid=1197">
<img src="http://i493.photobucket.com/albums/rr300/blogsbyheather/SUPromo2-2.gif">
Here is the code for the 24 Hour Door Buster Specials button:
US Demonstrators
<a href="http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/ItemList.aspx?categoryID=1212">
<img src="http://i493.photobucket.com/albums/rr300/blogsbyheather/SUPromo1-1.gif">
CAN Demonstrators
<a href="http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/ItemList.aspx?categoryID=1213">
<img src="http://i493.photobucket.com/albums/rr300/blogsbyheather/SUPromo1-1.gif">
NOTE: If you want to add your DEMO ID to link to YOUR DBWS store, then add &dbwsdemoid=xxxxx to after the CategoryID, where xxxxx is your personal Demonstrator ID.
For example <a href="http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/ItemList.aspx?categoryID=1212&dbwsdemoid=1234567">
Have a great day!