Thumbtack-purpleI'm excited to share this series with you, called "101 Blogging Tips". In the series there will be 101 blogging tips that you can begin applying to your blog today! Don't wait, get started now!

Tip #100: It's Time to Promote

Now that you have reworked your blog using the previous 99 tips, you are now ready to promote and to be able to successfully track and manager your visitor activity as well.

  1. Trackable: Make sure you have analytics installed, whether it be tools like Lucky Orange, Google Analytics, ChartBeat, etc.  You want to make sure that when you write promotional blog posts, newsletters, ads, that you have "tracking" setup and ready to see which ads and which promotions worked best, etc.
  2. Shareable: Make sure you have your blog "sharable" with Share Buttons (under/above each post) and a Follow Me area or Contact Me area where readers can follow you on your social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, LinkedIn).
  3. Desirable: Make sure your blog is easy to read, easy on the eyes – well designed (graphically) as well as organized (blog layout).  If visitors can find what they need and like the look of our site, they they will stay longer, return in the future, and want to follow you on other networks too.

Where to promote

You promote your site every time you write a high quality post! But when you want to do a post that is 100% basically an "ad" for your site or services, you want to post it on your blog, all your social networks, all the groups you belong to (that allow self-promotion), in your newsletter.

Additionally, you may want to create a press release, invest in Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, banner ads.

Want to learn more?

Join Stamping and Blogging!

Our site has over 50 videos and 100 articles specific to blogging and social media.

  • Features "How to Setup a Blog" series for those using Blogger, TypePad or WordPress.
  • Video instruction on how to install Google Analytics, how to add the Share buttons, Follow Me area, create an About Me page, and so much more.
  • Review tips on blog design and the 22 elements you need in your blog layout.


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