If you are a Stampin' Up! demonstrator and use internet ads to direct visitors to your blog, then as part of the new Stampin' Up! Internet Policy the following text should now be on your blog:

"This is my personal blog, I am an Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, and I am responsible for its content. Stampin' Up! Does not endorse the use of or contents of the classes, services, or non-Stampin' Up! Products I may offer here."

To add this in Blogger:

  • Login to Blogger.
  • From the Dashboard, click on Layout.
  • Click on Page Elements.
  • Click to Add a Gadget (or Add a Page Element). Choose HTML/JavaScript (which will allow more flexibility in formatting or just plain text).
  • For the Title or Label enter "Stampin' Up! Disclaimer" for example.
  • In the large text box, copy and paste the text above (without the quotes).
  • Save Changes.

To add this in Typepad:

  • Login to Typepad.
  • Click on Typelists (green tab).
  • Click on the white text "Create a New Typelist".
  • Choose "Notes" and then give it a name such as "Stampin' Up! Disclaimer".
  • Click the "Create New Typelist" button.
  • In the next window you do not need to add a label unless you want to. However, in the large text box, Notes section, copy and paste the above policy statement/disclaimer. Save changes.
  • Publish or remember to go to Design, Select Content and check this new typelist under the list of available typelists.
  • Then remember to go to Design, Order Content to drag and drop where you would like this new typelist in your sidebar.
  • Save Changes.

Hope this helps!


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