101 Blogging Tips:  Tip #39 (Domain Name)

101 Blogging Tips: Tip #39 (Domain Name)

I'm excited to share this new series with you, called "101 Blogging Tips". In the series there will be 101 blogging tips that you can begin applying to your blog today! Don't wait, get started now! Tip #39: Use a Domain Name Many of you are already...

Q&A: If I change my blog platform will I lose my subscribers?

At some point during your blogging experience or growth, you may consider changing blog platforms, moving to say Blogger to WordPress or Blogger to Typepad and vice versa.  The question is what happens to your current blog subscribers? Do they get...
New Year Resolutions…Start blogging!

New Year Resolutions…Start blogging!

Happy New Year from Blogs By Heather! This post will stay at the top of my blog for this week as a Featured Post. Scroll down to see new posts and tutorials! Each year many of us create a list of New Year Resolutions.  I hope that this is the year that you...

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