by Amy | Jan 3, 2012 | Did You Know, Facebook Help, SEO Tips, Twitter News
I had the pleasure of attending this great social media FREE event from Social Media Examiner. Well, actually during the live event I was picking up my daughter from the school bus (LOL)…but it was recorded! And I got to listen to the presentation Sunday night...
by Amy | Dec 24, 2011 | Uncategorized
I just wanted to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season! UPDATE I am a little behind on my work as December proved to be a more difficult month with my grandmother being very ill and not expected to make it to the holiday. But she did, it's here 😀 So we...
by Amy | Oct 17, 2011 | Announcements, Did You Know, Facebook Help
My partner, Michelle Laycock, are now offering a new, affordable service where we can create pages like these for you! Michelle created for Tammy Shaia’s where you see a custom Facebook page. I created the one for Sandi MacIver which features what is known...