Important Update

Regarding Your Manual Blog Maintenance –
Effective DECEMBER 2013

Exciting news happening at Blogs By Heather!  With my focus being on building the blog help video library at Stamping and Blogging, I have had Angel Elmer, The Blog Doc, assist me in maintaining your sites, as manual blog maintenance is very labor intensive, as well as with other blog related tasks.

With a wonderful new full time job as IT Manager, an opportunity I started this past June, and my partnership with Sandi MacIver over at Stamping and Blogging, I have decided to transfer my manual blog maintenance service over to Angel Elmer, who has assisted me for months now.  She very excited about this new venture.  Please help me in welcoming her to her new job 😀

What Does This Mean?

All other services stay the same. I will continue to update my blog, Blogs By Heather, with tutorials and blogging tips, will begin sending a weekly newsletter (sign up on my blog, right sidebar) to help keep you engaged in what's new in the blogosphere, and will be building our blogging and social media video library over at Stamping and Blogging.

BUT…that I will no longer be manually maintaining your blogs each month.  Angel is thrilled to be taking over. 

Payment Profile Cancellation
and Sign Up With Angel

I will be cancelling all your Payment Profiles and applying refunds where applicable.  Starting December 1, 2013, you need to sign up with Angel Elmer.  She has done a wonderful job in helping me maintain your sites.  CLICK HERE to sign up for Angel's monthly blog maintenance!

Thank You

Thank you so very much for being loyal, fun customers over the years and helping me grow my blog maintenance business.  I do hope you transfer to Angel who will continue to keep your blog's updated with the most current Stampin' Up! promotions and featured products. I also welcome you to join Sandi and I at Stamping and Blogging.

Join Stamping and Blogging!

Our site has over 235 videos plus

  • 138 Stamping Project Sheets
  • 145 Stamping Tutorials
  • 98 Blogging articles
  • 100% Stampin Up. We use Stampin’ Up! products exclusively and our projects range from beginner to advanced – clean and simple to WOW!

Happy Blogging and Keep In Touch,
Heather 😀

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