If you are using Blogger and would like a Gallery on your page, you can use Picasa Web Albums for free! It is very easy to use. Here are some basic instructions to help you get started.
When you login to Blogger, go to the bottom and under Tools and Resources you will see Picasa Web Albums. Click on that and it goes right to your albums. There may be several depending on how many blogs you have. The default one for your Blogger Blog has the same name as the title of your blog. So, for me it would be Hand Stamped By Heather (for my Blogger blog, www.handstampedbyheather.com). It, however, includes all the images on your blog — including all the catalogs, signatures, backgrounds, banners and things you really wouldn’t want in the album. So, I suggest creating a new one.
To create an album:
- From the main screen, click on New Album (right hand side).
- Give the album a name, description (if you want). Determine if you want it Public or not, then click Create.
- It’s that simple.
To upload images:
- To the right click the Upload button.
- Then select an album – choose Blogger Pictures.
- Then click “Select Album”.
- Then, from the next screen, click Add Photos…
- Select photos from your computer, then click Open. It’s added to the Add Photos box. Continue to add as many pictures as you want.
- When you’re finished selecting pictures, click the Upload button.
- It will do so very fast.
To set album cover:
- Open the album you want.
- Go to the picture you want as the cover.
- On the left under your album picture you want. The picture is displayed. From the right then click the link that says “Set As Album Cover”.
- You’re done.
To delete a picture:
- Go to the album you want.
- Select that picture.
- It will open and be displayed.
- From the right side, click on Delete This Photo.
To add the Gallery to your blog, view this tutorial:
Hope this helps!